4 Travel and Health Rules You Need to Know Before Heading to World Cup in Qatar

When it comes to travel and health, the World Cup in Qatar has a set of rules that you need to know about before you go. Whether you’re going just to check out the tournament or even if you’re planning on going as far as attending some of the games, here are five rules that you need to be aware of before getting on your flight.

1) Get travel insurance

If you're traveling to the tournament, it's important that you get travel insurance. It will help protect your finances if you have an unexpected illness or injury while abroad. Not sure what plan is best for you? Check out how far away from home the team is going, how many days they'll be gone for, and their budget. Consider how often they might need to access health care services and whether they want coverage for a pre-existing condition. With so many plans available on the market, it can be difficult to find the right one. Contact us with any questions about which plan would work best for you

2) Check if your vaccinations are up to date

The CDC recommends that travelers have the following vaccinations: yellow fever, rabies, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Tetanus-diphtheria vaccine (Tdap), poliovirus vaccine, measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (MMR), varicella (chickenpox) vaccine. A letter from a healthcare provider is required for some vaccines; consult with your doctor or local health department if you are unsure about which ones are necessary for your trip.

3) Know the local laws and customs

It is important to know the local laws and customs when traveling abroad. Not only will this help you avoid any legal issues, but it also may save your life. To give you an idea of what to expect when visiting the Middle East, here are five travel and health rules that you should be aware of before heading to Qatar for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. 1. Men wearing shorts are required to cover up with a sarong or a pareo. 2. Alcoholic beverages cannot be sold or consumed between 10 am and 3 pm during Ramadan, so try to stock up on liquor ahead of time if you plan on drinking while there. 3.

4) Stay hydrated

Drinking water is essential when you're traveling, especially when it's hot outside. If you don't drink enough water, your body will start retaining fluids which can lead to swollen feet or hands. Plus, the heat can be a strain on the body so staying hydrated will help reduce some of that stress. For those who are sensitive to caffeine, drinks like coconut water are an excellent alternative. When you're looking for a coffee fix, opt for an iced coffee instead of a regular one because it has less caffeine than its hot counterpart.
