10 Reasons Why Qatar2022 Will Be the Best World Cup Ever

10 Reasons Why Qatar2022 Will Be the Best World Cup Ever
Forget Brazil. Forget Germany. When the World Cup comes to Doha in 2022, you’ll see what true world-class sporting event hosting really looks like. So here are our 10 reasons why Qatar2022 will be the best World Cup ever.

1) Strong Infrastructure

Qatar has an incredible amount of infrastructure that is specifically designed for major events such as the world cup games. There will be state-of-the-art stadiums, world-class hotels, an international airport, and roadways. These amenities will make it easier for visitors to move around and enjoy what this exciting country has to offer during their stay. It was also announced that there will be a metro system being built in time for the event so people can easily travel between host cities throughout Qatar.

2) Fans can stay in luxury hotels

At a price tag of $5.5 billion, Al Rayyan Stadium (named for the Emir of Qatar’s hometown) is one of five new stadiums that have been built for the games and will seat 60,000 people. It was designed to showcase Qatari culture and host an array of sporting events, concerts, and social gatherings in addition to being used as a hotel space during non-game times.

3) Ticket Prices Won’t Break the Bank

Qatar 2022 World Cup tickets start at $25 for a one-day ticket, meaning that for someone who is on a budget, it's totally doable. For people who are still not convinced, we've rounded up 10 reasons why Qatar 2022 is going to be the best world cup ever: 
1. Ticket Prices Are Tempting 
2. The Country Is Awesome 2.

4) Security Measures Will Thwart Terrorist Attacks

1) The stadiums are being built by migrant workers from Africa who will be checked for legal status, so this will be an excellent way to find terrorists. 2) Travel between all of the games is being heavily monitored and patrolled by police officers and security forces. 3) The hospitality sector is also benefitting from increased funding as well as stricter rules for visas.

5) Weather Is Always Sunny

While a natural assumption, this assumption could not be further from the truth. The weather in Doha is hot but doesn’t stay consistent for 24 hours out of the day as one might believe. Doha does get very windy and will often experience periods of rain during certain times of the year.

6) Stadium Design is Innovative and Elegant

The architecture and design of the stadiums look amazing and innovative. We’re talking low, sleek structures that take advantage of Qatar’s natural resources to be as eco-friendly as possible. And let’s not forget about that mesmerizing, pearl-like stadium design, which is a brilliant nod to the Gulf nation's tourism logo.

7) Qatar Has A History of Hosting Massive Events

Qatar has a history of hosting major events. Not only did it host the 2006 Asian Games and 2010 Asian Cup, but it also played host to four matches from the 2014 World Cup! With that kind of experience, you know you can count on them for some great celebrations in 2022.

8) 2022 will be an Awesome Year to Travel

It's going to be a great year to watch the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. With new cities opening up for the first time, major infrastructure overhauls, and brand new stadiums, you're guaranteed an awesome time. For example...

9) The Official Song is Catchy AF!

The main issue with hosting the world cup is that it takes a lot of time, money, and effort to prepare. But from what I've seen so far, it seems like Qatar has really been putting in the work. One of my favorite features about this world cup is their official song. A lot of us remember that the 2018 FIFA world cup had an iconic anthem by Shakira called Waka Waka. The good news for 2022 is that we will also have an unforgettable song.

10) There Are Some Seriously Kickass Sports Bars in Doha!

For those of you who don't know, Qatar was recently chosen as the host country for the 2022 FIFA world cup. For me and my friends, this means one thing: cheap pints. Yay! And while that's all well and good, it turns out that Doha has a thriving nightlife scene which is perfect for those moments when you want to get rowdy but can't because there's a game on somewhere.
